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Agreement looks to the future – Vernon Morning Star

by ahnationtalk on May 29, 2015478 Views

May 29, 2015

Accompanied by the sound of traditional drumming and singing, history was made Tuesday night with the signing of the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.

In a special ceremony at W.L. Seaton Secondary School, the document was signed by representatives of the Okanagan Indian Band, the Vernon and District Métis Association, the First Nations Friendship Centre, the Vernon School District and the Ministry of Education.

In his welcoming address, district superintendent Joe Rogers outlined the four goals of the agreement, but began by apologizing to members of the aboriginal community.

“It’s important to talk about the past and on behalf of myself, teachers, past superintendents and past teachers, I’d like to apologize,” he said. “We have not always done the best we can for our aboriginal learners, and we haven’t always taken the time to understand their history and their family history and to better serve them.

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