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BC Hydro takes a new approach to gauging interest in clean electricity on the North Coast – BC Hydro

by ahnationtalk on January 19, 202358 Views

Jan 19, 2023

VANCOUVER: BC Hydro announced it will issue an Expression of Interest in the coming weeks to help determine the need for new transmission infrastructure on the North Coast of B.C. – a region that is seeing significant industrial growth.

BC Hydro has been studying alternatives to bring more clean and reliable electricity to this growing region – including new transmission capacity. The Expression of Interest will help BC Hydro determine the demand for electricity and where potential customers plan to locate their operations. This will help BC Hydro decide how to advance the transmission infrastructure needed to best serve them.

“Fully or partially electrifying industries – like ports, mining and liquified natural gas – is critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in B.C. and meeting government’s CleanBC targets,” said Chris O’Riley, President and CEO of BC Hydro. “Industry contributes about 40 per cent of B.C.’s greenhouse gas emissions and represents the greatest opportunity for electrification.”

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