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Home Garden Project is Back for 2024!

by ahnationtalk on December 11, 2023138 Views

The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Agriculture and Food Sovereignty is excited to announce that the Home Garden Program is back for a fourth year in 2024 with some changes to the program! Funded by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food and will be administered by New Relationship Trust and co-delivered by NRT and participating Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFI’s) in B.C., the in-demand program is seeing the return of its popular seeds and individual grant portion, and a significant investment will be put towards multiple educational opportunities. More information will come regarding the courses that will be offered and the schedule later in 2024.

We are now launching the seeds and individual grants application and we’ve expanded the program to accept applications for 400 households!

For 2024, MNBC is partnering with BC-Eco Seeds Coop for its seeds portion of the program. The big change from previous years is that we will be offering unique online gift codes of a value up to $75 so that households may choose the seeds of their preference. Suggested lists of seeds based on hardiness zones will be available before ordering seeds in 2024 (for those who would benefit from that supporting document). There is no change this year in the individual grant, which will be $200 per household, to support the purchase of gardening supplies and material. You will have the opportunity to opt out of the grant if you would prefer these funds to be redirected towards more educational opportunities and supporting resources.

The application will be open until January 7th, 2024. Following this, we will contact everyone who has applied with the next steps information and details on the applications that have been accepted. We will accept applications in the order they are received.

Those who require help for the application process can contact the Environmental Protectionteam at

Look out for more opportunities coming from our team in the upcoming months!



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