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In Her Own Words: An Indigenous Farmer’s Inventive Approach – The Tyee

by ahnationtalk on May 1, 2024108 Views

Michelle Week tells how she brings traditional foods to her community, many at no cost.

Michelle Week isn’t interested in your garden variety veggies.

The owner of x̌ast sq̓it Good Rain Farm, based in the northern Willamette Valley, near Portland, Oregon, is focused on bringing traditional First Foods to her community. For her, these are foods that come with a story.

x̌ast sq̓it (pronounced “hast squeit”) translates to Good Rain in the traditional language of the sngaytskstx (Sinixt), the Arrow Lakes peoples.

Michelle is an Arrow Lakes and French descendant who comes from a long line of hunters, fishers and berry pickers. As a kid, she became president of her 4-H club after her habit of adopting animals ended up with her bringing home llamas. Despite this, Michelle says, “No one told me to be a farmer.” Instead, they suggested careers like veterinarian, botanist, landscape architect. “These nice titles to survive in capitalism.”

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