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New connectivity funding will benefit rural communities

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by ahnationtalk on July 17, 202486 Views

July 17, 2024

VICTORIA – A fifth intake of the Connecting Communities BC funding program is open for project applications to increase access to high-speed internet services in rural and remote communities.

“Increasing access to high-speed internet for people in British Columbia in rural and remote communities improves their quality of life and grows the economy,” said George Chow, Minister of Citizens’ Services. “I am pleased that we are now opening our fifth intake for applications, so more people in remote communities are better able to connect with friends and family, participate in online education and career development training, without travelling hundreds of kilometres.”

The B.C. Rural Connectivity Benefits study forecasts that the Province’s investment yields more than $8 in economic growth for every $1 invested, and benefits more than 73,000 households. The study forecasts the Province’s investment of nearly $290 million in 132 rural connectivity projects will generate $2.5 billion in short- and-long term economic benefits, or nearly $14,000 per connected person.

“Kaslo infoNet Society is often the sole internet service provider in our remote area, and the Connected Communities BC funding we received is allowing us to install fibre connections in communities where even the basics like cellular service is unavailable,” said Isaac Maxfield, executive director and treasurer, Kaslo infoNet Society. “This support is crucial in ensuring our community can access enhanced connectivity, improving both the quality of life and economic opportunities in our region.”

Eligible applicants can apply for funding to support the expansion of high-speed internet in any area of the province, with a focus on specific areas that do not have access to internet speeds of at least 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) download speed and 10 Mbps upload speed.

Applications for the fifth intake will be accepted until Dec. 12 2024, and will be reviewed as they come in. Successful project applications from previous intakes will continue to be announced once they are approved.

Increasing connectivity supports Clean and Competitive: A Blueprint for B.C.’s Industrial Future.

Quick Facts:

In 2017, approximately 57% of homes in rural areas of B..C had access to high-speed internet services.
As of January 2024, that number has increased to 77% of rural homes.
Since 2017, the B.C. government has invested $584 million into expanding high-speed internet and cellular services in the province.
This includes the $415-million provincial investment in Connecting Communities B.C., which was announced in March 2022, and which the federal government matched.
B.C.’s commitment is to provide high-speed internet access to all households in B.C. by 2027.

Learn More:

To learn more about Connecting Communities BC, eligible applicants, and to submit a funding application, visit

To learn more about Connectivity in B.C., or read the Rural B.C. Benefits Study, visit

See how the Chawathil First Nation is benefiting from connectivity, visit:

See how people living on Haida Gwaii are benefiting from connectivity, visit:

To learn more about Clean and Competitive: A Blueprint for B.C.’s Industrial Future, visit:


Ministry of Citizens’ Services
Media Relations
250 896-2057


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