SFU gives Aboriginal entrepreneurs a head start – The Peak

by ahnationtalk on May 25, 2015567 Views

May 19th, 2015

A $1 million donation has enabled SFU’s Beedie School of Business to launch a program geared towards supporting Aboriginal entrepreneurs.

The First Peoples Enterprise Accelerator (FPEA) was made possible by a contribution made from the RBC foundation. It has also funded several scholarships for Aboriginal students interested in entrepreneurship.

The accelerator, which will be run out of RADIUS (RADical Ideas, Useful to Society), a business incubator within the Beedie School, will help fledgling ventures get off their feet and assist in the growth of more mature enterprises.

The FPEA was originally conceived to be part of the First Peoples House, which was proposed in 2012 as a centre for Aboriginal students, faculty, and staff on Burnaby Campus. Once the First Peoples House project is complete, the two ventures will be linked.

Read More: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QlTqJWEJoybypRAuoEtQFVw3uT0Z9mHMe2mLBl_xJH4/edit#gid=1125768259

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